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Bible Verses
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Why I Believe - A great resource of scientific and prophetic evidence by the late D. James Kennedy. Here are a couple of quotes from the book. "You have often heard the famous testimony Napoleon Bonaparte gave on the island of St. Helena: 'I know men; and I tell you that Jesus Christ is not a man.' After an ungodly life Napoleon came to his end there on that barren island. Reading the Scripture each day, he came to these consclusions: 'Superficial minds see a resemblance between Christ and the founders of empires, and the gods of other religions. That resemblance does not exist. There is between Christianity and other religions the distance of infinity.'"

"Consider the amazing fact of the tilt of the axis of the earth. None of the other planets is tilted as ours is—23 degrees. This angle provides that the earth is slowly turned in all parts of its surface before the rays of the sun, much as a chicken would be turned upon a spit. If there were no tilt to the axis, the poles would accumulate enormous masses of ice, and the center part of the earth would become intensely hot. Another amazing aspect of our relationship in the solar system is our moon. Many people do not realize that without the moon it would be impossible to live on this planet. If anyone were ever to succeed in deflecting the moon from its orbit, all life would cease on this planet. God has provided the moon as a maid to clean up the oceans and the shores of all our continents. Without the tides created by the moon, all our harbors and shores would become one stench pool of garbage, and it would be impossible to live anywhere near them. Because of the tides, continuous waves break upon the shores of the ocean, aerating the oceans of this planet and providing oxygen for the plankton, which is the very foundation of the food chain of our world. Without the plankton, there would not be oxygen and man would not be able to live upon this earth. God has made the moon the right size and placed it the right distance from the earth to perform these and numerous other functions."

Case For Christ is a book investigating the validity of the New Testament. The author, Lee Strobel, interviews leading experts concerning twelve of these issues. Click on the link to go to Amazon. From there, you can read excerpts from the book.

Case For Faith is a book investigating the top questions that people have with Christianity. The author, Lee Strobel, interviews leading experts concerning these issues. Click on the link to go to Amazon. From there, you can read excerpts from the book.

www.reasons.org - A Great Site for Scientific Evidence.

http://www.emjc3.com/helland.htm - This site has excerpts from a book called To Hell And Back which contains accounts from many individuals who have died, had an experience of visiting heaven or hell, been resuscitated, and come back from the dead. The book is available at Amazon.
Business Cards
This evangelistic tool can be printed on easily accesible Avery 8371 Business Cards and distributed. You can also modify it for your own purposes or website. Click the link to open the business card template in Microsoft Word (Microsoft Word must be installed on your system to open this link and the template is for use with Avery 8371 Business Cards). The sample provided contains text explaining what separates christianity from other religions, Romans 10:9, and web address. buscard.doc If you would like assistance setting up an evagelistic website similar to this, please email.

Online Bibles
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