The Ability To Predict The Future

The Bible is full of fulfilled predictions concerning the future. It is different from all of the other holy books in this respect. In all the writings of Budha, Confucius, Lao Tse, and, with one exception the Koran, you will find no prophecy. The Koran has only one prophecy of Mohammed returning to Mecca, which can't be verified nor can it happen.

The Bible has 2000 detailed and specific prophecies of the future in the Old Testament. In order to be considered able to predict the future, these prophecies must be exactly fulfilled. Even more impressive is the fact that many of these prophecies were fulfilled hundreds of years after the death of the person that made the prediction. Again, this is what separates the Bible from other holy books and is what we use as the standard to know that the Bible is true.

There are a number of books available that substantiate the Bible as an accurate historical and archeological record. One book that probes into the authenticity of the new testament is Case For Christ by Lee Strobel.

The following is a partial list of the (more than 300) prophecies concerning who the messiah was to be. Using the law of compound probability, the chances of one person fulfilling all of the prophecies is 1 in 10 to the 39th power. That is 10 with 39 zeroes.

Genesis 3:15............Seed of Woman......................Matthew 1:20
Isaiah 7:14.............Virgin Born........................Matthew 1:18
Genesis 49:10...........Tribe of Judah.....................Luke 3:23,33
Micah 5:2...............Born at Bethlehem..................Matthew 2:1
Psalm 72:10.............Presented With Gifts...............Matthew 2:1,11
Jeremiah 31:15..........Herod Kills Children...............Matthew 2:16
Isaiah 7:14.............Shall Be Immanuel..................Matthew 1:23
Isaiah 40:3.............Preceded by a Messenger ...........Matthew 3:1-2
Isaiah 35:5-6...........Ministry of Miracles...............Matthew 9:35
Zechariah 9:9...........Enter Jerusalem on a Donkey........Luke 19:35-37
Psalm16:10..............Resurrection.......................Acts 2:31
Psalm 68:18.............Ascension..........................Acts 1:9
Psalm 41:9..............Betrayed by a Friend................John 13:21
Zechariah 11:12.........Sold for 30 Pieces of Silver.......Matthew 26:15
Zechariah 11:13.........Money Thrown Down In God's House...Matthew 27:5
Zechariah 13:7..........Forsaken by His Disciples..........Matthew 26:56
Psalm 35:11.............Accused by False Witness...........Matthew 26:59-60
Isaiah 53:7.............Dumb Before Accusers ..............Matthew 27:12
Isaiah 53:5.............Wounded and Bruised................Matthew 27:26
Isaiah 50:6.............Smitten and Spit Upon..............Matthew 27:30
Psalm 22:7-8............Mocked.............................Matthew 27:31
Psalm 22:16.............Hand and Feet Pierced..............John 20:25
Isaiah 53:12............Crucified With Thieves.............Matthew 27:38
Psalm 22:18.............Garments Parted and Lots Cast......John 19:23-24
Psalm 22:1..............His Forsaken Cry...................Matthew 27:46
Numbers 9:12............Bones Not Broken...................John 19:33-36
Zechariah 12:10.........Side Pierced.......................John 19:34
Amos 8:9................Darkness Over the Land ............Matthew 27:45
Isaiah 53:9.............Buried in Rich Man's Tomb..........Matthew 27:57-60

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